Austrian Farms of Texas (AFT) Distillery of Luling Texas, announces the release of the first limited edition 93-proof oak aged Alpengold Cherry Edelbrand.
Commonly bottled at 77-84 proof, the latest batch of the Alpengold Texas Oak Reserve Cherry Brandy resulted in such extraordinary taste and smoothness, that Alexandra Cantwell, the master Edelbrand distiller, decided on doing something extraordinary: to reserve a small amount at the strength of 93 proof for a special and very limited release.
The hallmark of Edelbrand is that it is made only from the whole fruit without any addition of base alcohol, sugar, or any other enhancements. Whole fruit, yeast, water. Period.
The official release date is set for Dec. 18. The gates will be open at the distillery in Luling from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m and the price is $149.90 per 750-mL bottle, with a limit of two bottles per person.
For more information please visit www.aftdistillery.com.