Freelance Guidelines
CRAFT SPIRITS magazine is the unparalleled resource for in-depth insight and intelligence for the entire craft spirits universe. The bi-monthly digital magazine from the American Craft Spirits Association features the information and analysis that small, independent spirits producers and allied businesses need to operate in today’s complex craft beverage market.
The digital magazine welcomes pitches from freelance contributors. Specifically, we are interested in stories about trends covering every angle of the distilling world, including: business sense, distilling operations, distribution & logistics, human resources, lab-related issues, legal matters, maturation, packaging, raw materials, retail (on- and off-premise), safety, sales & marketing, technology & e-commerce, and more. Typically, these stories appear in the departments section of the magazine (check out some recent issues of the magazine for examples) at 1,000 words per article. On occasion, we assign 2,000-word feature stories for topics worth more attention.
Please note that it is extremely rare that we assign freelance stories profiling a single distillery or distiller.
Please send story ideas to