In February Berkshire Mountain Distillers (BMD), will release a trio of whiskeys in partnership with three brewers in the Northeast as part of the Craft Brewers Whiskey Project (CBWP). The five-year collaboration includes the distilling of a dozen different popular beers from a limited group of the country’s top craft brewers across five states. Each addition to the American whiskey collection is the product of a single-sourced craft brew distilled into a unique Berkshire Mountain Distillers whiskey.

“We were thrilled to collaborate with all of our brewer-partners and are excited these whiskeys are finally ready to be enjoyed by beer and whiskey aficionados alike,” says Chris Weld, founder and proprietor of Berkshire Mountain Distillers. “This fun collaboration has been an exceptional project-in-the-making involving 12 brewers, 12 beers, 12 whiskeys and 80 barrels of spirits — we’re eager to release each one to the public.”
Produced by the region’s first legal distillery since prohibition, each whiskey will be blended to 86 proof using BMD’s proprietary historic spring water in Sheffield and packaged in custom bottles with brewer-designed labels.
Aged at the distillery since 2015, the whiskeys will be released in the order in which they were distilled. Being a limited collection, each whiskey will be sold in the BMD tasting room and then distributed to select stores and restaurants.
The first release will feature three whiskeys distilled from UFO White Ale from Mass. Bay Brewing Co., Spencer Brewery’s Trappist Ale and Big Elm Brewing‘s 413 Farmhouse Ale located in BMD’s hometown of Sheffield.
Scheduled to be released later in 2021, whiskeys will highlight beer from Samuel Adams, Berkshire Brewing Company, Jack’s Abby Craft Lagers, Brewery Ommegang, Captain Lawrence Brewing, Smuttynose Brewing, Long Trail Brewing Company, Two Roads Brewing and Chatham Brewing.
For a listing of release dates and events, visit and follow BMD on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.