Following amended New York State guidelines, and to ensure the most successful tasting experience possible at Bar Convent Brooklyn (BCB), the trade show has updated event protocols and health and safety requirements. BCB says it looks forward to welcoming participants to BCB who meet the following requirements:
Everyone will need to be fully vaccinated with an FDA or WHO approved vaccine in order to attend and participate at BCB Brooklyn and must show proof of vaccination at their time of entry. “Fully vaccinated” means that by the date of the event you are attending you must be:
- at least 14 days after your second dose of a FDA or WHO approved two dose COVID-19 vaccine, or
- at least 14 days after your single dose of a FDA or WHO approved single dose COVID-19 vaccine.
The only exception is for or those who need reasonable accommodations due to a disability or sincerely held religious belief. Those who need reasonable accommodations due to a disability or sincerely held religious belief also must provide proof of at least one of the following, in addition to properly wearing a mask at all times while inside the building except while seated when eating or drinking:
- negative antigen COVID-19 test taken within 6 hours of the performance start time, or
- negative PCR COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of the performance start time.
Proof of vaccination must come directly from the healthcare provider that performed the vaccination (or test for those seeking medical or religious exceptions). Guests can display proof on a smartphone or present a physical copy of their vaccination card. New York State residents or anyone who received a COVID-19 vaccine in New York State may present proof through the use of the Excelsior Pass (for more details, visit: https://epass.ny.gov).
Please note that these requirements are for everyone in attendance –visitors, exhibitors, vendors, media, speakers and staff are expected to comply to our health and safety requirements.
Everyone must also present a government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport confirming the participant is over the age of 21 and the name on the photo ID must match the name on the document(s) listed above.