Our latest guest on The Craft Spirits Podcast is Matt Vogl, the executive director and co-founder of the National Mental Health Innovation Center at the University of Colorado, and the keynote speaker at ACSA’s 9th Annual Distillers’ Convention and Vendor Trade Show in New Orleans this July 21. The title for his keynote is Distilling Better Mental Health & Crafting Support in Volatile Times.
Matt brings a unique perspective to the address. He’s also a comedian, and he nearly lost his life to a suicide attempt 20 years ago. He eventually decided to tackle the stigma by talking publicly about his struggles with bipolar disorder and attempted suicide. His address will be humor-driven and tailored specifically to the unique realities and challenges facing the craft spirits industry.
In this episode of the podcast, we discuss how he’s preparing for the keynote; his return to stand up comedy and how he sees a parallel between comics and distillers; and simple advice for distillers to consider when it comes to mental health.
Click here to register for the convention and see Matt’s keynote address.
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