Viewpoint, the acclaimed educational program hosted by Dennis Quaid, is thrilled to announce an upcoming episode in collaboration with Saverglass, scheduled for release in fall 2024. This new segment, filmed on June 19, will delve into the critical role that packaging plays in the wine and spirits industry, highlighting its correlation with brand identity and consumer experience. The episode will also explore sustainable practices that can be implemented to create a more responsible infrastructure within the industry.
The wine and spirits industry is highly competitive, and the packaging of these products is a key factor in differentiating brands and attracting consumers. Viewpoint is committed to shedding light on significant topics that influence various sectors, and this episode will provide valuable insights into how high-quality, artistic packaging enhances consumer perception and experience.
Saverglass, a leader in the production of premium glass bottles for the wine and spirits industry, brings decades of expertise in combining aesthetics with functionality. The segment will feature key members of the Saverglass team, who will share their knowledge on the importance of packaging in brand building and consumer engagement. They will also discuss the company’s commitment to sustainability and the steps they are taking to reduce their environmental footprint.
“We at Saverglass are honored to partner with Viewpoint for this exciting episode highlighting the important role of glass packaging in the wine and spirits industry,” said Jyll Vidal, sales director at Saverglass. “We partner with premium brands in the alcohol beverage sector and understand that packaging serves as an external representation of both the liquid and the brand’s unique vision for its product. Through our participation, we are thrilled to showcase how the industry meets consumer demands for exceptional quality and distinctive premium glass bottle designs that set them apart from its competitors while embracing sustainable packaging practices.”
The episode will cover several key topics, including:
- The Role of Packaging in Brand Identity: Exploring how packaging design reflects a brand’s story and appeals to consumers.
- Consumer Experience and Perception: Highlighting the impact of high-quality, artistic packaging on the overall consumer experience.
- Sustainable Practices in Packaging: Discussing innovative solutions and practices that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability within the industry.
- Collaboration for Better Outcomes: Emphasizing the importance of collaboration between producers, designers, and production facilities to achieve optimal results.
Viewers are encouraged to stay tuned for updates on the broadcast details of this insightful episode. Join Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid and the Saverglass team, along with their customers Roederer Estate and Castle & Key, as well as industry brand and design agency, Stranger & Stranger, as they explore the intersection of packaging, branding, and sustainability in the wine and spirits industry.